Pet Peeves

The first time I heard that word I was like, wait what – pet pee? Then I obviously googled it, it had nothing to do with pets. To sound fancy at work, recently I made everyone (my teammates) talk about it. I’ll save your time so that you don’t need to google it in case you haven’t heard of it:

Pet Peeves = Something/habits that annoy the heck outta your life.

That reaction you give when someone does something that’s your pet peeve.

Obviously, I can’t disclose what annoys my friends but am at liberty to inform my readers about the top 3 things that automate blessings (you know what I mean) from my heart & soul.

1) Talk faster la!
This annoys my life weekly, especially because it usually happens on Sundays. FYI, I’m always rushing on a Sunday to church, simply coz I fell asleep in the bathroom or forgot to iron my clothes the night before. Just when I’m running helter-skelter and getting my stuff, I’m occasionally bound to get a call from someone. That someone decides to talk at the speed of 4 words per minute and I get so mad.

I’m always like, “For God sake, can you just tell me what you want. No need hello bello dirty fellow all”. So the next time you call me before 9 am, on any given day, here’s your script:

“Kezia, bring xxx and yyy”.

End the call, trust me, it would take lesser than 15 seconds to get your message across. You can also change the script, just make sure it doesn’t take longer than 30 seconds.

2) What’s up with your feet?
I’m generally nice unless you decide to walk slowly in front of me on a sidewalk/pathway. I mean there’s a whole lot of exclusions: people who carry heavy stuff, the elderly, women in high heels (yeah, sometimes your toes are stabbing you so you can’t walk fast, I get it). But if you’re healthy, kicking and alive, and wearing flats, I don’t see why you should be mimicking a snail.

I guess it’s all those days where I’ve had to be like Usain Bolt to catch the train and bus so that I don’t wait for another hour.

Anyways, no one has managed to annoy me in this department for almost a year thanks to the restrictions. It’s been a year and I’ve barely walked on sidewalks, I’ve stopped memorizing train schedules, I’ve stopped fretting thinking if my Touch n Go card has enough balance or I’d have to miss a train to get it ‘topped-up’. Good ol’ days. But nope, I don’t miss running around like a headless chicken, I’m good with WFH for now.

3) Endless ‘when are you’ questions.
There’s a post dedicated to this, in case you haven’t read it. The good news is – social distancing and wearing a mask has been a good chance to stay away from all those corporate socially responsible peeps. Now, you can just mumble behind a mask and keep a distance of 1-meter. Woohoo! What a win-win situation.

That’s all for tonight! Ask your family & friends what annoys them the most and be sure to (not) do it.

Toodles for tonight.

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