Finally, married

Happy New Year! I have a thing for controversial titles. But really, what’s it like being married for a year and a half, after being engaged for 3 years? (Read my engagement post here)

Picture an arranged marriage – coz, truth is no one studies ACCA coz they love ACCA & then proceeds onto becoming an Auditor. It’s always you the case of doing ACCA, then you try loving it and you become an Auditor (in some cases). So yeah, you can continue to picture this:

  1. The other person occupies your time, most of the time.
  2. Have to cook & do chores, introduce yourself to the kitchen utensils you never said hi to, since you’re away from home.
  3. Devote your entire time to making them happy (ie: inevitably you also try being happy la in the process).
  4. Might change your last name, if you want/like (in a real marriage, I won’t. Read here

All of the above applies to my scenario. It occupies most of my time, I devout most of my time to meet client’s & the team’s expectation, might get a new last name (ie: CA) in 3 years (but yeah, if you know me, in a real marriage, I would refuse to change my last name. Prince Charming click here to read your manual).

Basically everything, except for No.2 coz I married my profession and am still at home hahaha. The plates at home recognise me, but sadly the pots, pans, blender don’t – they do stuff like not cooking as expected, emitting burnt smells or merely tasting no-so-nice as mummy’s when I do stuff. (It’s okay, someday Mrs Home Minister will get me a Thermomix, and then I’ll show it off to those snobbish pots & pans).

In all honesty, I like my job on most days, on the somedays I feel like Microsoft Excel is against me or the laptop keys are conspiring against me; but I’m grateful to be working from the comfort of home.

I went back to work after a long leave today, coz I worked enough to go on a long leave and it felt a bit alien doing what I was used to doing. But on days like today, I remind myself that waking up and showing up is progress.

All I hope is that tomorrow –

may the seconds and minutes in my clock tick faster

may my lunch break arrive earlier

may my eyes not twitch like it’s performing breakdance after working for the entire day

I write this verse (Philippians 4:13) on my book on the days I feel like my To-do’s need some motivation:

Side note: to all the people asking on my marriage for real; sis got no time, need to work on becoming good at my profession first. Thank you, next.

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